Saturday, June 22, 2024 9 AM – 4 PM
Field Day is ham radio’s open house. It is an annual world-wide amateur radio exercise encouraging emergency communications and preparedness among amateur radio operators. In the U.S. it is typically the largest single emergency preparedness exercise. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout the North America set up temporary radio stations in public venues to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and nation. Field Day combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event.
Lamorinda Area Radio Interest Group will be holding its Field Day at the Lafayette Reservoir at 3849 Mount Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, CA 94549.
LARIG has a rich history of participating in Field Day. Every year the club gathers in a public place, installs antennas, setup radios, shelters, and participates in the event.
Field Day is both an operations and social event. Some people come to operate, some to learn about operating and antennas, some just to eat and some just to watch. All are welcome.
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Lamorinda Area Radio Interest Group